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Phone Contact

(617) 356-0763

Please note that calls are free in the United States and Canada. International callers may be subject to additional chargers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is LaunchX for?

LaunchX is designed for high school students. Generally 15-18 year olds. You must be attending high school at the time of applying.

What does it cost?

Each program has a different cost. Check out our Program Comparison page for an overview of all our programs.

What is your acceptance rate

Generally we have around a 30% acceptance rate. Our competitive programs allow us to offer incredible program experiences for all participants.

What are the dates?

Each program will run at different times during the summer. Check out our Program Comparison page for an overview of all our programs.

When is the the application due?

We will be releasing the application deadlines this Fall

Is there financial aid?

Yes, we do not want money to be the reason qualified applicants can't attend our summer program. We offer financial awards to students. You can find all the requirements on our Cost & Aid page.

Still have questions?

Please contact us at and we’ll help you.