It takes all different entrepreneurial types coming together to start a successful company. LaunchX accepts students with a range of different types of entrepreneurial experience and mindset, knowing that they will come together in teams to complement each other's skills and backgrounds. Some of these types of background experiences include leadership, starting companies, attending hackathons, and more.
In addition to the admitted student experience, there were several parts of the application that allowed the LaunchX admissions committee to get a more thorough perspective of the incoming students on a more personal level. Our incoming students are ambitious, passionate young entrepreneurs who are eager to make an impact with their startups. We've used answers to some of the questions throughout their application to create word clouds to show their innovative spirit and passion.
Admits show their passion, teamwork, skills, desire to create, and more. We look for students that have experience working well with others, have the passion to pursue an idea, and are ready to create tangible results.
While the above shows the percentage of admitted students who have done different entrepreneurial and skill-based activities, this is an opportunity for students to share more personalized summaries. Many have started businesses, developed their skills, gained valuable work experience, and impacted their school, and led teams through various projects.
While every LaunchX student has unique attributes that make them a valued member of the community, many share the common characteristics of being driven, passionate, ambitious, creative, resilient, curious, determined, innovative, motivated, collaborative leaders.
We love to learn about what our students like to do for fun! Playtime is just as important as work time, and students love to read, play sports, listen to music, create, watch videos, design art, and more. Having a well rounded variety of channels to express yourself and fuel your mind and body are important as a young entrepreneur.
Every entrepreneur has faced their share of challenges that they learn to overcome. Launchies struggle with finding the time, resources, balance, peers, and knowledge to become more successful in their startup journey. LaunchX is excited to help support them in these!
The top things that LaunchX admits say are important to them are family, friends, being happy, making an impact, community, health, helping, and innovating.
Finally, LaunchX admits want to be known for innovating! In particular, they want to create change, make a positive impact, be technology leaders, while helping the world, and problem solving. Do you have any qualities you want to be know for? Make sure to let us know in your application!
We are continually inspired by our LaunchX students and are excited to be welcoming another year of students to help innovate and change the world. We are excited to bring together these young innovators this summer and see what startups they launch!Make sure to stay engaged with us on our social media platforms to see what exciting businesses get launched, the fun challenges they face, and getting to witness how the LaunchX summer program unfolds!Didn't apply this year and want to for 2022? Fill out our interest form! We can't wait to see our future entrepreneurs!