Sep 26, 2023

LaunchX Stories: Gabi Fullam, Ireland

Gabi Fullam

When I applied for LaunchX, I didn't really consider the fact that I might ACTUALLY get in. It was more a far away cloudy dream. I had no idea that this dream would materialize in front of me into something so real and tangible. I remember the nerves before my interview and excitement after the "Congratulations" email. I remember the relief that came with receiving a scholarship, and I remember long hours spent packing and hugging friends and family goodbye at the airport. But it only really sunk in when my feet touched MIT soil.The environment we were all working in was amazing. Living with 70 innovators from all over the world as you try and build a company from scratch was phenomenal. Having straight A's and a million accomplishments wasn't what ended up mattering in LaunchX. Sure, prior experience is great, but hard work, excitement, passion, resilience and grit helped to propel me through the four weeks and have the best time ever while I was at it.I built a great start up at LaunchX with my team, but I also built friendships and bonds to last forever. I'm more confident and relaxed, with the risk of being cheesy, I'd like to say, you can take the girl out of LaunchX, but you can't take the LaunchX spirit out of the girl.While attending LaunchX, Gabi co-founded Politifund with guest blogger- Jason Zhao, Rahi Patel and Nick Majer. Best of luck to Gabi Fullam in all of her future endeavors!

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