LaunchX Alumni go on to do incredible things and grow as established entrepreneurs. Even though they are finished with the program, key lessons they learn while enrolled in the LaunchX entrepreneurship summer program always seem to resurface. These lessons have stayed close to their heart and to this day still help them as entrepreneurs, in their careers, and in their personal life. For example Alumnae, Joana Baptist says, “The amount of times that I have recycled and readapted our final pitch from LaunchX to any other business endeavor is crazy. I use it all the time as a template for how a pitch deck should be.” This is just one example of a tangible benefit that Alumni have learned at LaunchX.Ready to hear our top 3 lessons of what you can learn at LaunchX? Keep reading as we share Alumni’s most valued lessons for our summer program.[caption id="attachment_4572" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Surround yourself with passionate like-minded people[/caption]
Alumnus Andre Bertram, learned really quickly at LaunchX that if you surround yourself with people who are also passionate and trying to build things, you will get farther together.Andre says, “If you surround yourself with people who are also passionate and also trying to build things and you do your best to help them without expecting anything in return, you really will get farther together.” The reason why this is a key entrepreneurial lesson is because if you surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurial peers, you will quickly find the power of an entrepreneurial community like LaunchX. This can help when brainstorming creative ideas, for moral support through the turbulence of the startup process, plus much needed support, advice, and an extra nudge as you make important decisions in your company. This community understands how to problem solve, take action, and persevere, plus support each other.
Most LaunchX students start the program having some set of entrepreneurial skills. During the program, we teach students how to leverage their skills and develop new important skills that will help shape their future as entrepreneurs. Alumnus Christopher Lee emphasizes how important it is to grow your skills and combine them together to create something amazing.Christopher says that LaunchX was a turning point in realizing the importance of combining his technical skills and business skills, plus how to bring them together through entrepreneurship. He says, “LaunchX is really what introduced me to the concept of combining business and technology and just how important it is to not only have technical skills or business skills, but to have a combination of both to be a good entrepreneur.”
“It’s the small things that matter.” This is a saying you hear often, if life, in movies, from your parents, but it is very significant. The small things can lead to great victories when it comes to business. It’s the moments that seem like tiny feats but end up being a very serious reflection of your company.Alumnae Joana Baptista says, “the small moments that are really seemingly insignificant or things that you feel are wrong and dismiss it immediately can actually be the moment that matters the most.” Joana also emphasizes that in those small moments you can find humor and business does not need to be serious 100% of the time. This really important lesson Joana talks about has been a staple for her in every other business and life decision she has faced. “It's finding the small insignificant failures to make into a pool of memories.” - Joana
At the end of LaunchX, we not only want you to have a successful startup, but lessons and memories you can apply to the rest of your entrepreneurial journey. With our successful learning model, Alumni have been able to build lasting relationships, sharpen and learn new skills, and find the meaning behind small tasks. This is how we truly measure success at LaunchX, by the growth of each student as an entrepreneur .Do you want to start your own business that can make a real impact, meet like-minded peers, and create something amazing? Apply to LaunchX at: