Your Business NamePrelapse AIWhere is home for you? and/or What part of the world is your company?Since we are a team of several nationalities: Ayleen and Bill: Toronto, Canada, Daniel: New Jersey, Robert: Shanghai, ChinaWhat do you do? What do you specialize in? What sets you apart from others?Our company created a software that utilizes ai and user input to detect when a possible future relapse would occur in substance abuse patients. Then this prediction could be used to notify the appropriate health care professional or family members to better help them prepare to deal with the relapse. Our team has had past experience building startups, developing AI algorithms, and conducting research (as would be necessary for creating a dataset for our product). The main differentiator between us and other companies looking to do similar things is our proprietary data set that is accurate in predicting relapses.What’s the message or inspiration, what do you hope people take away from it?It’s reported that over 80% of substance abusers relapse over the course of a year, yet there are currently no methods which can predict when they will occur. We hope to optimize substance-abuse treatment by preventing relapse for alcohol addicts; attracting local users and increasing social awareness regarding this issue. Helping patients prevent relapses can save lives and help them maintain their recovery path, helping them live better lives.What are you most proud of as a company?While we are still conducting market research for our company, we're really proud of our current team dynamic. After being assigned to the same team, we arranged numerous Skype calls, had lengthy conversations surrounding our startup ideas, learned about each other's interests, and formed strong friendships.How do you define success?We aim to reduce the number of relapses experienced by those suffering from substance abuse, with at least 25 users on our platform by the end of LaunchX.We would also like to have a relatively high predictive accuracy(>90%).What qualities or characteristics do you feel are most important to success?For our company to be successful, our team needs to have collaboration, dedication, singular vision, transparency, and trust. These are the most important to us as it allows us to streamline towards success.Has it been a smooth road? What have been your biggest learnings (i.e. lessons from LaunchX, lessons from facing challenges, etc.)Market research has been especially difficult considering our target market (patients suffering from alcohol abuse), as well as finding a proper dataset to train our AI. To resolve these issues, we've been trying to set up as many meetings as possible and will be visiting centres such as Alcoholics Anonymous for more data collection.How or where can people see your business/company? How can people support your work?As of right now, we do not have a website but will have one up shortly. If you would like to support us, you may ask a friend or family member that has suffered from substance abuse to fill out this survey: often hear from entrepreneurs that being an entrepreneur can be lonely. Any advice for those looking to connect with other entrepreneurs or encouragement for new entrepreneurs?As a startup entrepreneur, sometimes you will be very lonely and depressed, sometimes late at night you will have existential crises. It's very normal. Remember that many of the world’s most influential people began as a startup and worked through sleepless nights to get to where they are. What will get you through is sheer grit. During the day, when you’re traveling talk and meet new people on say, the subway or the bus. You can also try joining facebook or WeChat groups that are dedicated for entrepreneurs, or attend trade shows and meet new people there.Any contact information you want us to share with the readers? (social media, email, phone number, etc.)You may contact Daniel through his email at or through his Instagram at dankid_123