Oct 25, 2023

Strive not for success, but for impact.

Your Business NameApoyoWhere is home for you? and/or What part of the world is your company?I live in Hyderabad, India. My company is also based here.What do you do? What do you specialize in? What sets you apart from others?We are a mobile app that helps make the lives of caregivers of Alzheimer's and Dementia patients easier. We help caregivers set voice reminders for daily tasks for their patients, as well as track and ensure their patient's safety at all times. Most solutions currently on the market are inorganized and ineffective for caregivers, and by focussing on Alzheimer's and Dementia, we provide caregivers with a unique solution tailored to their specific needs.What’s the message or inspiration, what do you hope people take away from it?Our inspiration behind this was personally witnessing people among our family and friends having to take care of Alzheimer's and Dementia patients and the immense stress and anxiety these caregivers face, which is often ignored. Through our app, we aim to make the lives of these caregivers easier, less stressful, and healthier, thus creating a positive difference. We hope to highlight that it is not just the patients, but the caregivers too who face notable problems that ought to be addressed.What are you most proud of as a company?I think we are most proud of our company's mission of helping improve the lives of caregivers. We are delighted that as a company, we are able to provide significant value to and have an impact on caregivers in their daily lives. We are also really proud of our branding, design, and message to our audience.How do you define success?I believe that success should not be measured in terms of monetary gains or popularity, but by the net impact that a person has on the world, and by how happy a person is with his/her life. I feel that we are the best judges of our own success, and if we feel happy with ourselves and with the impact we've had, we can certainly deem ourselves successful. The same applies for a company as well, wherein apart from just the financial performance of a company, one must examine the net impact that a company has had on its market and on society in general, and how well the company has worked towards achieving its mission.What qualities or characteristics do you feel are most important to success?Innovativeness, perseverance, confidence, connections, team, passion, being realistic, and a bit of luck!Has it been a smooth road? What have been your biggest learnings (i.e. lessons from LaunchX, lessons from facing challenges, etc.)Like every business, we've faced several challenges along the way. From technical difficulties to team challenges to obstacles in securing customers, we have certainly encountered and tried to overcome numerous obstacles, but I have ensured that I have learnt from each one of these experiences, which is in fact one of the most important things I learnt at LaunchX. I have learnt that challenges are inevitable, but it is those who learn from these experiences and tackle these obstacles in a calm, cooperative, and perseverant manner, are the ones who succeed. More specific to our company, I have learnt that creating value and a competitive advantage are presumably some of the most important factors to consider early on for any venture.How or where can people see your business/company? How can people support your work?We have our website live at bit.ly/apoyoapp. Our app is almost ready and we will be launching on the iOS App Store within the next two weeks. We hope for more people to join our mailing list and sign up for updates, so we can notify them when our app is finally published.We often hear from entrepreneurs that being an entrepreneur can be lonely. Any advice for those looking to connect with other entrepreneurs or encouragement for new entrepreneurs?Always remember, you're not in this alone. You have an entire community of passionate entrepreneurs just like you eager to help you at every step along the way. Make LinkedIn your superpower. Connect with like-minded people. And probably most important of all, remember that when you feel you have no-one by your side, you always have your company and your mission with you, motivating and supporting you throughout.Any contact information you want us to share with the readers? (social media, email, phone number, etc.)Company email: apoyoapp@gmail.com; Company Instagram: @apoyoapp, Personal Instagram: @maanavkhaitan, Personal Email: astromanav@gmail.com, Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maanav-khaitan-5b34a0131/, Personal Twitter: @MaanavKhaitan

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